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How can I track my order after it has shipped?To keep shipping cost low - If your order was shipped via lettermail - NO TRACKING number will be provided. You can expect package to arrive between 3-21 days in Canada. If your order was shipped expedite, a tracking number will be updated on your order.
HOW WILL I KNOW MY ORDER HAS BEEN SHIPPED?You will receive a notification from us once your order is ready and shipped
Can I place an order for an item out of stock?Yes, but items wont be shipped until we replenish. If you would like to know an estimates time your items will be shipped please contact us.
Can you send a order as a gift?Yes, please let us know send us a comment. We normally don't send any invoices in the shipment.
How do I place my order?Add the product that you like, click on the image to view more details about the product. Many products you will be given a choice of colors or styles or add name to allow you to customize. Once you have selected the appropriate options, click the "Add To Bag" button to add the item to your shopping cart. The item will be added to your bag. You may continue shopping and add as many items as you wish until you are satisfied and once you finish continue to check out.
Where do i add a promotion code?While in your shopping cart, before you click to proceed to check out, there will be a box on the left hand side at the bottom saying "Enter promotion code" Click this and enter in your code, before proceeding to the next step of checking out.
ARE ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE?No. Most items are personalized items that will be made upon request. If you have a special request of how the item you want should look like, please provide us a high resolution image such as png/pdf/psd file. Contact us if you are not sure.
Can I switch my payment method after my order is placed?Unless your order has a declined credit card payment, we can not change the payment method on file as your order has been submitted into our automated system.
Can you use multiple cards?Unfortunately, we are not able to accept multiple cards to pay for an order. Our system only allows one card to be used to pay for orders.
Do you accept gift cards?Yes, you can apply the gift card that was generated from us to use directly on our website
What methods of payment do you accept?We accept either Visa / MasterCard, PayPal or e-transfer
CollaborationWe are always on the lookout to collaborate with amazing bloggers and influencers! If you are interested in working with us please contact us at and tell us about yourself and how you found us. Please also include the website URL for your blog or page and any information you can provide us.
Is there a wholesale program available?Yes, we do offer bulk or wholesale price. Please send us an email and let us know what you are looking for.
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